An Ode Against Chargers

Dean McGhee

No matter what
It always seems
That the charger you are looking for
Is never to be seen
No matter where you may look
In a cabinet or in a book
Neither here nor there
The one you find is alway the one
That you don't need
And you should have taken heed
Of the warnings of “10% left”
If you're looking for a charger
It might be as hidden as the holy grail
And your progress is as slow as a snail
And once you find it
Your phone is as good as dead
And there's no going back
And no more life
In your little metal companion
Whom you love so so so so much
And invest so much time into
And you are a soulless hunk of meat without
No purpose
No meaning
No phone…
For about 5 minutes
Then it's back to normal
As it always was
“Now it's just us, my Precious”
You say to it
When you reunite with “your” device
And stare into the blueish haze
With an empty gaze
Until the cycle restarts 
All over again